some of my best friends know i used to be the die hard fans of Oscar. Well,

i still watch the show these years, which has turned into kinda a habit or something.

i confess that i enjoy the show this year, though i think the fashion this year

real sucks. the worst of all the years i know. Billy Crystal should be the best

host and Steve Martin is ok this year. i have my personal preference of Crystal.

for those who like watching variety show, Oscar should be the one on your list.

for those interested in evening fashion, again, you can never miss it. but this

year, who knows.

some of my friends got offers or shortlisted but none of my. i don't know what's

going on. i'm not stupid, pretty hard working, presentable, serious and sincere.

may be all these mean nothing to employee.

this is my Love Complex night. today the plot becomes very explicit. believe

it or not, power is exercised over us everywhere. you are you not because you

make you you but powers make you you. the most horrible thing is that powers

work very quiet and only at implicit level. you may never notice that but they

are here. every second. everywhere. everything. we can not live free of power

but when some powers are so systematiclly dominant that manipulate our thoughts.

they are ideology. we can never get rid it.


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her another self. as she is unconscious of this imposed self, she thinks that

it is whom she IS and whom she Should Be. i don't believe that there is something

outside us requiring us to conform. there is no whom we should be, in this case.

the compulsion, for ���, comes from her own painful memory and psychological

defense mechanism to reinvent her to be whom she is being. in may cases, for

us, there are unlimited numbers of things external compelling us to become to

be something. they are all powers. those powers are so overwhelming that makes

you think you are your own master and the present you is the product of your

work, imagination and power. in very limited sense, individuals could assert

their power of making and becoming. more usually, we are made up by external

powers. Human, all too human. Nietzsche says.

maybe tomorrow i'll share with you the sociological or philosophical implications

of the volleyball "Wilson" in Cast Away.

life is unbearable in either way.

there is an unknown void beyond our experience and adapting to this nothingness,

human who are conscious of that make up things like culture, customs and more

generally all values. civilizations are not miracles. they are the projection

of our fear of the void and our will to survival. in this way, to make life

livable, we have to make up more things. that is, more values, more power, more

ideologies, in order to consolate us temporarily.

another way, is a great leap, i doubt anyone can do that, but some succeeded

e.g. the two existentialist philosophers Kierkegaard and Nietzsche. it is to

embrace the void and admit that there is no objective, eternal truth prepared

for us. that is, not to get rid of powers, but liberate self by avoiding the

thought that this is the only way i can and should be so. but then we are free,

in a void, without constraints therefore without help too.

remember the speech of Oscar Best Director, he said, thank you for all those

people who spend part of their time everyday to share with us their thought,

no matters they paint, write, sing or dance. they make our life more livable.

02:32 a.m.-2001-03-27: Subversive vacuum

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